Our Basketball season begins in Term 1. All players are expected to train and practise regularly. Training sessions are usually after school, early evenings or morning sessions. Players are responsible for making their own arrangements to get to and from training sessions.
The games are played after school in the late afternoon or evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and start times can be anywhere from 4pm to 9pm depending on the competition entered and the draw.
Students are usually transported to and from games with the assistance of parents car pooling, and/or mini vans driven by staff or parents. Returning from the games the players are dropped off at the front of the school to be collected by parents.
Teams are provided with a playing shirt and shorts. In some cases Y7/Y8 are asked to wear PE uniform. Premier teams will also be issued with a sports blazer for the season.
The fees structure for Basketball 2023 will range from $100 - $260 per player.
If parents/caregivers would like to assist with transport or coaching they will need to be Police Vetted through a school. For more information and/or to download forms see PARENT HELP.