The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is the main national qualification for secondary school students/ākonga in New Zealand. For a range of general resources that explain NCEA, visit the NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority) website below.
Every August, Mahurangi College host a Year 10 NCEA information evening. A helpful summary of the information presented during this evening can be viewed below.
NCEA Level 1 changed in New Zealand this year (Level 2 and 3 haven't changed). To learn how that impacts students in Year 11 and what that looks like at Mahurangi College, also see below.
What other important information and links should I be aware of?
What if I miss an assessment?
Students must fill in a Missed Assessment Form (above) and submit it to the head of faculty.
If only missed by one day, students need to include a note a from parent/caregiver with the relevant details (sickness, death in the family etc).
If missed by more than one day due to illness, a medical certificate also is required.
If a student knows beforehand that a submission date will be missed, they need to complete the form and hand in before the due date after having discussed it with their teacher.
What is an Authenticity Declaration for?
Students work must be their own. In the first term of each year, students are required to sign an authenticity declaration (above) which states all work submitted will be their own.
There is a process we follow if a student’s work is deemed to be not fully their own. If the outcome upholds the concern after investigating, the student will be awarded a not achieved and will not be able to resit that standard.