Boys are placed in teams according to their birth year and weight. Girls are placed in teams according to their birth year. The North Harbour Rugby Union age/weight charts can be accessed on the North Harbour Rugby website, under Community Rugby, Youth.
The winter season runs from the first weekend in May until the end of August. Boys’ teams generally train twice per week and play on Saturday mornings. Girls’ teams may train once or twice a week. Tackle teams usually play on Mondays or Tuesdays after school and Rip teams play on Saturdays.
Practices are either on the College rugby fields or on a field at the Warkworth Showgrounds. Games are played on a home and away basis, with away games at the opposition school. Home games for Mahurangi College may be played on the College rugby field or on a field at Warkworth Showgrounds.
Players are expected to make their own way to trainings and games. Individual managers may organise transport for away games. A $5 donation is expected where transport is organised. The 1st XV may have bus transport and again, a stipulated donation is generally required.
Premier teams $130 plus a small team specific fee
All other tackle players $130
Girls’ Rip $90
All players are provided with a Mahurangi College playing jersey and training jacket for the season. Premier teams will also be issued with a sports blazer for the season. Students must provide their own boots, long socks, shorts, training shirt and mouthguard. These items can be purchased on our gear sale days in Term 1 and 2 or online during advertised sale dates.

We would like to thank all our community sponsors for their ongoing support of rugby at Mahurangi College.