Our Wellbeing Centre
We offer counselling, medical, physiotherapy and dental services. Students and or whānau/caregivers can book using the online tabs below or by directly emailing. Access is next to Student Services in our Administration Building. You can also contact our Wellness team via Student Services: 09 425 8039 ext 710
Onsite Medical Officer
Our onsite registered nurse, Donnah Penniall, is available Monday-Friday during school hours to assess students. If further medical advice or emergency services are needed the appropriate action is then taken. Donnah will contact a parent/caregiver if a student is too unwell to be at school. We ask that all students be seen by Donnah before leaving school for medical reasons.
Student Medication
Any regular approved medication must be administered by the Health Centre. The medication must be brought to the Centre by a caregiver and the Request to Administer Medicine at School Form form completed (above).
Our Counselling Service
We offer comprehensive support to students. This includes individual, group and whānau work. We recommend and/or refer to offsite providers where appropriate. We work from a foundation of whanaungatanga; relationally, building connection, resilience and agency.
To make a confidential appointment, book online (above) or email us directly.
Dental Services
We are serviced by the following two providers: Junior school by ARD (Auckland Regional Dental) services and Year 9-13 by Dental Planet. We will send out notifications when these providers are on site.